“Edible History” published this week

My new book, “An Edible History of Humanity”, was published on May 12th in Britain and America. It has already been reviewed in New Scientist and the Sunday Times. And there’s an interview with me about the book over at gourmet.com, accompanied by a rather terrifying picture of me eating a scone at Fortnum & Mason. Not a pretty sight. Click at your peril.

3 thoughts on ““Edible History” published this week

  1. Tom: Greatly enjoyed seeing and speaking with you at Bouley last evening. However, it appears that being a top chef allows you to serve the most ridiculous of offerings. Pretentious nonsense went out a couple of decades ago. It would appear that being famous provides one with the right to offer up silly and overblown opinions as well as humdrum fare. Nice evening though.

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